Thursday, March 08, 2007

Trip for the search of gold

where do i start with it all started when i was in 8th i use to run to my school from moi house and that running practised me into a zonal level runner i represented my school at various zonal events like high jump, long jump, relay,100m and 400m.i was one of the fastest runners in moi skool.then i shifted to madurai for my 10th grade and u know how screwy parents r wen it comes to studies well they did screwed me in my 8th and 9th as tmy attandence was less then 50% and my marks were in digital(0 and 1 c tis is wht inspired me to take in 10th they said no no to sports.then suddenly in 12th they allowed me to take part in an event called LOSA(Lakshmi Old Skool Association) ten the miracle in my life happened i was watching bhuvanesh(my class mate he was atleast 2times the size of me) throwing shotput me after some running was takin rest he said"dey machan help me da jus give return me the shotput after every throw" i said k and stood in front of him and as he throwed his dist got increased and i was amazed at his power and i asked him to gimmie a throw he said no way u jus shut up and return the put...i was screwed but ten somehow i managed to get a throw..ahh i felt the wight of the shotput for the 1st time baaprey i almost dropped it...then i dono wht spirit ran down into me i jus gave a blow to the shotput and thts all i remember the metal ball crossed bhuvanest distance and evry seeing tis including bhuvanesh got pissed off they said try again i gave a nother try and it fell slightly besiid bhuvanesh point.Then they too me to pt sir mr.mahalingam and said sir sriram has beaten bhuvanesh, pt sir looked at me and said thts good..well i looked i like a small boy in moi 12th without moustache so he ordered me to playin senior category than in the super seniour category.Well i lost in the LOSA event but tht laid a platform to my future adventures...
At college:
Well at college stories were different there was a senior called raj mohan he was well built and his biceps were really strong like arnold and stallone he was the college champ in shotput during ragging i said i will throw shotput and me senior gave me the ball as i threwed it and evry1 whr screwed was the 1st time i was throwin 16pound ball so it went only 5+ m..then year by year it increased and came to a max of 13.63m which fetched me a silver medal at National Level Inter-NIT athletic meet at rourkela and i won a gold medal at discuss throw.I did went to suratkhal for the same year last year but returned empty handed i missed the medal by 0.1m..anyway v had great times at both the places was a great experience in my life and got new friends...


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